What Are the Different Types of Testosterone Prescriptions?
By Dr. Khanh Perrin
arrangement of colorful pills

Several different types of testosterone prescriptions are available for those who need testosterone replacement therapy.

Though, it is important to remember that not all prescriptions are created equal. And further still, patients respond differently to each type of prescription.

While every doctor undoubtedly has their own opinion on the available types, consulting your personal physician is vital to receiving the treatment best suited for you.

Listed from least expensive to most expensive, here are several types of testosterone prescriptions on the market.

Bio-Identical Testosterone

Unlike many synthetic forms of testosterone (similar to those frequently used by bodybuilders), bio-identical testosterone is actually identical to a testosterone molecule produced by your gonads.
Doctors administer this type of treatment by injection, which is undesirable to some patients. Although these injections are not proven to be safer or more effective, they are marketed as being such.
This particular testosterone preparation does come with a hefty list of side effects including headaches, imbalanced mood, and disrupted circadian rhythm.

Implanted Testosterone Pellets

Similar to bio-identical testosterone, doctors can also administer pellets via an injection. Typically implanted under the skin near the hip area, pellets actively function longer than most other types of testosterone replacement therapy.

These pellets release testosterone at a slow rate over the time span of 3-6 months. Although this method is quite reliable, it can be difficult to identify the correct application as you have no control over the dosage amount once the pellet is inserted. Thus, it might take more than one attempt to get the prescription correct.

This could mean several reinsertions at the start. However, once your doctor has determined proper dosage, this method provides a steady release of hormones.

Absorbable Tablets

Testosterone prescriptions also come in the form of buccal tablets. Essentially, you allow the tablet to dissolve between your gums and cheek.

Because the time for dissolving varies from person to person, the application may interfere with personal daily habits like eating or drinking. In fact, the general recommendation is to avoid contact while the tablet is dissolving. This will hinder many kinds of physical intimacy, like kissing your partner, and therefore, could pose a problem.

Hence, while tablets do bode well for maintaining a healthy level of testosterone, the process may be a bit of a nuisance to some. Two tablets daily are the usual dosage. Given the intake frequency, you could develop oral issues with prolonged use.

Hormone Patches

Of the many testosterone prescriptions, patches are often the easiest to apply. All you have to do is place a patch to the scrotal area.

Though easy to implement, some patients have complained about skin irritations at the adhesion site. Another downfall to this method is that it releases dihydrotestosterone which may cause symptoms like acne, hair loss, and prostate issues. Moreover, while scrotal patches can help to increase testosterone levels which lead to healthier sexual function, they may interrupt intimacy or make it somewhat awkward.

One of the most attractive qualities about this prescription type, like many others, is that it does not involve an injection.

Creams and Gels

The number one choice of all testosterone prescriptions comes in the form of creams and gels. Millions of men around the world are using this method for testosterone replacement therapy.

A top choice for many reasons, obviously. But the biggest reason simply is how easily a cream or gel can be applied to the skin. Though after application, it is risky to come in contact with a woman or child because it could rub off onto their skin.

While some doctors strongly believe in this method’s ability as a testosterone replacement, others are doubtful. Available in concentrations from 1%-10%, doctors debate whether this method delivers adequate dosage.

If you are searching for a testosterone replacement therapy and would like to learn of more options, please contact me. I can help you navigate through the barrage of information to find a method that meets your personal needs.